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Depois do sucesso do Apple iPhone 4, começam a circular rumores sobre a 5ª geração do iPhone - o iPhone 5. A data de lançamento do novo celular da Apple seria no primeiro semestre de 2011. , Release date of this device is rumored to be in January 2011. However, there were also some ongoing rumors that it will be in June 2011 instead. Apparently, Apple tries to address all the issues that were raised against the iPhone 4 with this upcoming device. If you will remember, Apple has faced several problems such as retina display discoloration and reception problems with the iPhone 4 when it was launched.

According to some rumors, the iPhone 5 promises a faster mobile internet, better receptions and more enhanced features that will surely make its users satisfied and happy. There were also some speculations that the upcoming iPhone 5 is also much sleeker than the iPhone 4 and even sleeker than Apple’s iPod touch. Well, those Apple aficionados out there must be really excited with this upcoming smartphone and hopes that it will come out as they have expected.

Some of the expected features that most iPhone users are looking forward to include the following:

Face Recognition feature
Video Chat on 3G and 4G
An OLED screen
Wireless Sync with Apple’s very popular iTunes
Built-in GPS
Longer battery life
HD audio feature
A scratch proof and shock-proof screen
Well, these are just some the most-awaited features that most iPhone users are expecting with this upcoming iPhone 5. But for sure knowing Apple’s reputation of coming out with a product that has been carefully studied detail by detail, the iPhone 5 will surely be loaded with amazing features that will give its users and awesome mobile experience.

In addition to this, there were also some rumors that Verizon Wireless is also currently testing a CDMA version of the iPhone 5 and also confirmed that they are trying to make some network changes in order to bring the said iPhone to their network.

Apple has not yet made any official announcement yet regarding this upcoming smartphone. Details on price, specs and its official release date have not been disclosed at the moment. So let us just wait for more details.


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